The Delsarte Project
Past Events
Most of 2019 and 2020 were filled with caring for my mom, and some teaching, but too tired from work can caregiver that I never remembered to update my website.
Events of 2020
February 13, 2020, 5;30-7:30 pm Columbia Teacher's College, Dance history department for Barbara Bashaw. Barbara wrote -
Hello Joe,
A hearty THANK YOU for your wonderful session last evening! In chatting with several of the students after class, they talked about how it rearranged their perspective on dance history -- and I couldn't agree more. Since that was the ultimate point of having you as a guest I would say it was 100% success! For me, it was an absolute thrill to see Delsarte in action and to embody it myself. You can only read so much about it and how it impacted dance and dance education -- it is seeing it embodied so clearly on an expert (you!) and being able to move it that gave me so many more insights. You were simply electrifying! Natalie was a terrific addition...and what a gorgeous dancer! I think it was also instructive for the doctoral students to witness another adult who is so open as a learner. A good call to bring her!
The student of mine, was Natalie Lomonte, dancer and choreographer of significant success.
Events of 2019
April 28, 2019 1:00 pm, New York City , Workshop for the New York Shakespeare Lab with Jack Weatherall.
Events of 2018
Ongoing Tuesday nights 6:30-8:30, Manhattan. Public classes in my home. Register here. Visitors are welcome; full registration advised.
March 23-25, Salt Lake City. A weekend intensive. Friday evening 6-9, Saturday 11-4, and Sunday 11-4. Facebook event page.
April 28-29, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Weekend intensive, "The Expressive Body" several hours of Delsarte for a variety of performing artists.
July 15, 2018, Manhattan. A short intensive on demand for visiting teacher Michaela Langer from Germany.
September 8-9 Cincinnati, Ohio. Two days of Delsarte as has been part of the Cincinnati Yoga School Teacher Training for about 10 years now.
November 3-4, Ames, Iowa, Weekend intensive at the Iowa State University Memorial Union Workspace. Facebook event page.
Events of 2017
Ongoing Tuesday nights 6:30-8:30, Manhattan. Public classes in my home. Register here. Visitors are welcome; full registration advised.
Jan 7-8 2017, Cincinnati, Ohio. I return to the Cincinnati Yoga School to teach a weekend intensive. Although it is part of their teacher training, it is open to the public. Email: Vishwayoga@gmail.com, Phone 513-247-9642 for more information.
Feb 10-12, 2017 Boston, MA. The Great Burlesque Expo. Three Delsarte classes: Seducing with the Arms and Hands, Traditional Stage Dancing with Three Steps, Four Ruling Laws of Artistic Movement. Panel Discussion- Being a Better Instructor. Willy Barrett will appear in the Rhineston Review, and will Emcee the "Main Event" burlesque competition.
June 2-3, 2017 Des Moines, Iowa. Private weekend training by invitation only.
June 16-25, 2017 off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Star Arts on Star Island. I'll be teaching Delsarte based yoga all week as a part of the larger arts retreat. The retreat itself is a heaven of multigenerational, loving, creative, supportive and fun/funny people.
July 7-9, 2017 Salt Lake City, Utah area. For those who love Middle Eastern Dance, consider joining us for a weekend of focused master teaching with great teachers Donna Mejia and Jillina, as well as myself at Raw Epiphany! Also check out Raw Epiphany on Facebook.
July 29, 2017, 2017 Lincoln, Nebraska. Paige and Cheryl are celebrating their birthdays again by hosting a workshop. this time I will be teaching alongside the exiting Cyndi Cyreigna Elliott of Irie Tribal.
October 29, Arms and Hands class. East Liverpool,OH
November 5, Lincoln Nebraska, Theatricality in Dance, Hosted by Tribal Riot
November 9-12, Seattle, Burlycon. Arms and Hands, Welcome the Wobble, Claiming Your Space.
Events of 2016
Feb 5-7, Boston. The Great burlesque Expo. Choreography for the opening number of The Big Event show, Tiger and the Lamb, and Expressions of the Torso.
Feb 20-21, Cincinnati, Ohio. I return to the Cincinnati Yoga School to teach a weekend intensive. Although it is part of their teacher training, it is open to the public. Email: Vishwayoga@gmail.com, Phone 513-247-9642 for more information.
Saturday March 12, New York 4-6 pm. Willy Barret A.K.A Joe Williams will teach "Arms, Hands and Gloves" at the New York School of Burlesque.
April 2-3, Twin Cities, Minnesota My first time to do an intensive in Minnesota. Sponsored by dancer Angela Polk, we will have 6 workshops across two days.
April 4-7 2016, Ames/Des Moines, IA. Passing through and there will be some time for private lessons.
April 9-10, 2016, Kansas City. Workshops sponsored by Beth Byrd of Byrd Productions Physical Theater.
July 30-31, Lincoln, Nebraska. Workshops sponsored by Jewel in the Lotus dance troupe. Facebook event posting here.
Sept 17-18, 2016, Seattle, WA. Ten hour intensive sponsored by Magnolia Monroe Delsarte Technique Intensive Classes with Willy Barrett(Joe Williams)
Sept 16-17, 2016, Seattle, WA. For All We Show, burlesque review to the music of "The Carpenters."For All We Show
Oct 1, 2016, New York City. Two hour Three Pillars Arts basics class sponsored by Belly Queen, Facebook Event- Delsarte 101 with Joe Williams
Nov 5-6, 2016 Ames, Iowa. Weekend intensive open to the public. Delsarte Weekend with Joe Williams / Willy Barrett in Iowa! Register here at The Workspace site. Saturday classes and Sunday Classes
events of 2015
Feb 20-22, 2015,Boston The Great Burlesque Expo. Willy Barrett, my alter-ego will be teaching two classes.
March 6-8, 2015 Lincoln Nebraska. Workshops sponsored by 9 Muses Studio.
April 11-12 2015, New York City. A nine hour intensive across the two days, sponsored by Kaeshi, of Belly Queen.
May 4, 2015 Tucson, AZ. Workshop sponsored by Paco Fish At Fanny's Fox Den.
May 10, 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii. A day of classes sponsored by Lola Love, and Pretty Peacock Productions.
June 27-28, 2015, Boston, A repeat of the Nine Hour Intensive at the Boston Academy of Burlesque Education.
July 18-19, Williamsburg, VA. Public workshop on Saturday, and Service plus Workshop at the Williamsburg Unitarian Universalist Church on Sunday.
Oct 10-11 Ames, Iowa. Two Day Intensive
Oct 24-25 Kansas City. Two Day Intensive, including musicality for movement, and principles of motion applied to speech.
Nov 12-15 Seattle Burlycon. Expressions of the Torso, Tiger and Lamb Burlesque Archetypes (twice), and Life in an Appalachian Matriarchy. Also told stories of being a burlesquer and working at a dinner theater.
events of 2014
February 7-10 2014 Boston, The Great Burlesque Expo Show opening choreography for "The Main Event" show Saturday night, and two classes, "The Legs and Feet of a Dancer" and "Using Your Face." I'll also be a member of the "Road Warriors" panel, the subject of which is the issues of the traveling artist
February 15-16, 2014, Cincinnati. I return to the Cincinnati Yoga School to teach a weekend intensive. Although it is part of their teacher training, it is open to the public. Email: Vishwayoga@gmail.com, Phone 513-247-9642 for more information.
February 22-25, 2014 Des Moines and Ames Iowa. In Ames, I will be teaching two workshops< Meaning in Body Language, and Beauty, Power and Presence.
Feb 7-March 2, Kansas City. Public Workshops and Show. Facebook Event page
March 8, 2014, New York. New York School of Burlesque hosts an afternoon workshop on Hands and Arms. Here is the interview they took.
April 12-13, Seattle. A weekend of basic intensives, and performance skills focused classes. I will be available for private lessons also. in the days following.
June 7-8, Cincinnati. I return to the Cincinnati Yoga School to teach a weekend intensive. Although it is part of their teacher training, it is open to the public. Email: Vishwayoga@gmail.com, Phone 513-247-9642 for more information.September 27-28, 2014, Ames, Iowa A series of Four Classes at Iowa State University.
October 2-5, 2014, Kansas City, Sponsored by Bellatrix Ali, Goldie Goldstein, with Byrd Productions Physical Theatre. Private Lessons on Thursday and Friday, and group workshops on Sat-Sunday. Saturday: Three Pillars Basics, Body Language and Performance, Performing with Props. Sunday: Yoga for Every Body, Finding and Keeping Your Balance, Whole World in Your Hands (my famous arms and hands class) and Dynamic Poses for the Camera. Register here at Belliphat Productions.
Oct 9-12, Seattle, WA. Four classes at Burlycon, one of the largest Burlesque conferences in the world. Classes will be: Dancing with Props, Follies Style Group Choreography, Beauty Power and Presence, and Expressions of the Legs.
October 25-26 Cincinnati. I return to the Cincinnati Yoga School to teach a weekend intensive. Although it is part of their teacher training, it is open to the public. Email: Vishwayoga@gmail.com, Phone 513-247-9642 for more information.
March 23-24 Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati Yoga School
The Cincinnati Yoga School is probably one of the most beautiful yoga schools in the country and it is worth the trip from nearly anywhere to be able to attend a weekend of classes there.
March 29-31, 2013 Boston. The Great Burlesque Expo 2013
Friday March 29, 8pm: Performance in the Rhinestone Review Saturday March 30, 10-11 am: Maximizing the power of hands and gloves Saturday March 30, 2-3 pm: Elements of staging for classic burlesque groups Sunday March 31, 10-11: Burlesquing with props Sunday, March 31,11-12: Moderating the panel: What makes classic classic?
April 7, 2013 Brick Township, New Jersey Dancefest NJ - Contact: Farashadance@gmail.com Guest teaching Delsarte for Middle eastern Dancers.
April 14, 2013 Boston. Privately engaged workshop for Alexander Technique related clients.
August 10-11 2013, Des Moines, Iowa. Contact Trish Karsjens 515-710-5505 Visit the website for the event here.
August 17-18 2013, Kansas City Sponsored by Bellatrix Ali and Goldie Goldstein Visit the website for this event here.
Nov 7-10, Seattle BURLYCON! Two classes, Dancing with Props, and Arms and Hands of a Dancer.
March 10-14, 2012 Lincoln Nebraska Delsarte classes for dancers
Wednesday evening March 14, Whirling Dervish class Nine Muses Studios
March 17 Kansas City, MO Delsarte classes sponsored by Bella Hausch
April 6-8, 2012 Boston Great Burlesque Expo - Two classes "Putting it All on the Line", and a repeat of "The Arms and Hands of a Dancer."
April 28-29, 2012 Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area Saturday evening performance in Cincinnati for the Fourth Annual Blu Cat Benefit -7 pm Leapin Lizard Lounge 726 Main Street, Covington, KY. All day Sunday Delsarte workshop will be held at the Kula Center for the Movement Arts. Contact Gwen Steffan for more information: eponaproduction@yahoo.com 859-694-3131
June 8, 2012 Cincinnati YMCA Public event, Community and Self-Expression , a Delsarte class to explore personal communication in human relationships. The workshop was followed by two classes at the Cincinnati Yoga School, June 9 and 10. Below is a photo with Paul Waldsmith Executive Director of the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, and one with students from our Sunday class at the Yoga School.
July 28-9, 2012 Des Moines, Iowa Workshops for all types of communications and arts areas. Contact will be Trish Karsjans and Contact info will be posted when I have it.
October 8-12, 2012 Guest Artist Master Classes at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Branch. I will be teaching classes for the Dance, Theater, Music and Visual Arts Department.
November 3-7 Lincoln, Nebraska Dance workshops at Nine Muses Studios. Contact: troupesicorae@gmail.com
November 9-11 2012, Kansas City MO. Delsarte workshops with times and location to be announced. Facebook information and event page here.
Dec 1, 2012 Rhode Island Delsarte classes for dancers and performers of all forms, Middle Eastern, Burlesque, Jazz, Actors etc. contact: Manuela Birner, Ameenadancer@yahoo.com
January 22-29 Goa, India
I will be part of a Yoga Teacher's Training at Sushumna Yoga. Little by little, the invaluable knowledge from Delsarte will be making its way into the yoga scene on an international level. Unfortunately I was unable to make the trip to India in January, but my certified student, Will Brashear, led the Delsarte classes in my absence.
February 19-20, 2011 Cincinnati, Ohio
Delsarte returns to Cincinnati Yoga School
April 23 and 24, 2011
Three classes at the Boston Burlesque Expo. Dancing with Props, Burlesquing with Arms and Hands, and Pin-up Poses in Motion.
My students from Pin-Up Poses in Motion had a great time and impressed me.
May 8-9, 2011 Burlington, Vermont
Burlington Dances Studios
weekend of events at the studio, including Delsarte classes.
1 Mill Street, Suite 372
Contact Lucille Dyer 802.863.3369 info@burlingtondances.com
July 9-10, 2011 Cincinnati, Ohio
Once again Delsarte comes to the Cincinnati Yoga School for a weekend intensive.
Contact: Cincinnati Yoga School 6125 Ridge Rd. Pleasant Ridge, OH 45213 Phone: 513-247-9642 (YOGA)
email: General Info: info@cincyoga.com
The Cincinnati Yoga School is one of the most beautiful in the country.
August 5-7 2011 Burlington, Vermont Burlington Dances Studios with Lucille Dyer
With colleague, Delsarte history expert Franck Waille. Lecture on Delsarte's contribution to Modern Dance, an analysis of a 1919 Ted Shawn choreography, and classes covering Delsarte
for personal development and therapeutic benefits, fundamentals, and Delsarte for performing artists.
October 8-9, 2011 Cincinnati, Ohio
Once again Delsarte comes to the Cincinnati Yoga School for a weekend intensive.
Contact: Cincinnati Yoga School 6125 Ridge Rd. Pleasant Ridge, OH 45213 Phone: 513-247-9642 (YOGA)
email: General Info: info@cincyoga.com
November 2011 Delsarte in Europe
2011 marks the bicentennial of Delarte's, (1811-1871), birth. My French colleague, Franck Waille is arranging a series of Delsarte courses across a span of three weeks. I will be joining him and many other illustrious scholars to teach classes.
Nov 11-13 Stuttgart Akademie fur Gesprochenes Wort
Nov 14 All day workshop Music Conservatory of Trossingen
Nov 15 Workshop for varied students at the Stuttgart Conservatory
Nov 17 Dance class for the Institut de Formation Professionelle Rick Odums in Paris
Nov 18-19 Delsarte Conference at the National Art History Institute of Paris. Including:
Nov 18 Recital of Songs composed by Delsarte and selections from Archive du Chant.
Nov 19 Technique classes at the National Center of Dance, Paris.
November 30-December 3, 2011
Delsarte intensive for Yoga Teacher training in Goa India.
November 5-7, 2010 Lincoln Nebraska
Additional dates to be arranged. I will be in the area early for a wedding, so private lessons and other classes will happen while I am there.
October 9 2010 Burlington, Vermont
Burlington Dances Studios
12-5 with a special additional bonus hour for Middle Eastern Dancers from 5-6.
1 Mill Street, Suite 372
Contact Lucille Dyer 802.863.3369 info@burlingtondances.com
October 5, Barnard college dance department 11am-1pm
Master class for students studying the work of Ruth St Dennis and Ted Shawn
September 18 and 19
Cincinnati Yoga School weekend intensive
September 11, 2010 Burlington, Vermont
Saturday from 11am to 4pm at Burlington Dances Studios
1 Mill Street, Suite 372
Contact Lucille Dyer 802.863.3369 info@burlingtondances.com
See the poster for this event here.
August 28th Milwaukee, WI
Saturday morning class for children in theater. Arranged by my friend from the Juilliard Dalcroze
Program, Fumi Nakayama, an accomplished and very artistic pianist.
August 7-13, once gain with Morocco and Casbah Dance!
I will be dancing the Whirling Dervish on Saturday night's concert and teaching a Delsarte class on Wednesday afternoon. I am as ever, proud to be a part of Rocky's programs.
JULY 10, 2010
Daylong intensive in Burlington Vermont.
June 12-19, 2010
Conference on the arts, Star Island conference center off the coast of New Hampshire
June 5 and 6, Cincinnati Yoga School. 6125 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati 513-24/7-YOGA (9642)
Classes are from 1:30 to 8:30 on Saturday, and 1-8:30 on Sunday. Drop ins are welcome.
Fee - 150 for the weekend, 75 per day, or 12.50 per hour for drop ins.
March 26 Pittsburgh
A small private class for some wonderful dancers I met in Lincoln, NE. Contact me if you would like to be invited.
March and April 2010 Goa, India
Taught by Will Brashear, Director of the Cincinnati Yoga School, and Certified Three Pillars Delsarte Teacher. A Series of Master Classes in the Authentic Delsarte Technique - the Lost Yoga of Body Language and the Performing Arts.
Dates: 26th March - 28th March 2010 repeated on 2nd April - 4th April 2010
Price: Rs. 5000 (15-20 hours over the 3 days), Venue: The Sushumna Studio, in Morjim, North Goa
Friday afternoons throughout the summer, small group study by invitation-- contact Joe to inquire
646-510-6194 cell
2009 Events
November 13-15 2009
Tribal Dreams dance weekend in Lincoln Nebraska. My two classes were sold out last year, and I had such a good time that I hated to leave! If you are a Middle Eastern dancer, this is an event not to miss.
Saturday, October17, 2009 - Vermont
"Attuning to the Language of the Body in Psychotherapy"
The Aikedo/SunDo Center, Montpelier, VT
About the Workshop:
Maggie McGuire,
PO Box 147, Hardwick, VT 05843
Download the brochure here.
Sold out, and we will probably do more of these.
October2-4, 2009 Cincinnati Yoga School
weekend yoga teacher's training, Delsarte intensive
August 8-13, 2009
Morocco's summer weeklong in New York
Morocco's summer weeklong in New York. As usual, my class will be on Wednesday Afternoon. If you don't love Rocky, you haven't met her! I will be dancing the Whirling Dervish on Saturday evening's concert.
Saturday April 25, 2009. 8 pm
Miller Theater, Barnard College
Nijinsky's Afternoon of a Faun,
featuring my most highly trained Delsartean, Michael Novak as the Faun. This is part of a celebration and tribute upon the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the legendary Ballet Russe in 1909. I have been honored with a request to give a Delsarte master class to all the dancers in this production. The choreography is reconstructed from Nijinsky's own notes as later transcribed in the Laban Method. With original choreography, and Delsarte assisting in style and interpretation, we hope to offer one of the finest revivals that this great work has seen. Read the Rehearsal review in Time Out New York
Great news! My student Michael Novak's performance in "Afternoon of a Faun" at Columbia U. so impressed Anne Huchinson Guest, a former teacher of Paul Taylor, that she told Michael that she would call Taylor personally and tell him to hire Michael as soon as he can!! Let's all keep our fingers crossed on that one!
April 21-23, 2009
Master classes at Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Acting division. Sophomores T,Th, and Juniors Wednesday
April 12, 2009
Delsarte returns to the Boston Burlesque Expo for two classes this year! The expo has grown each year, and it is a terrific event. This year I will teach "Pin-Up Poses in Motion" and "Owning Your Space."
March 20-22
Delsarte weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Part of the Yoga Teachers' Training Program. Part or all of the weekend is available for guest attendance. Excellent for local artists or yoga practitioners.
March 13-15 2009
Delsarte weekend in Frankfort, Kentucky. Part of the Yoga Teachers' Training Program. Part or all of the weekend may be available for guest attendance.
306 West Main St., Suite 300, Frankfort, KY 40601
Call: Julia Rome at (502) 227-3276 or 229-3778 (cell) e-mail: julia@frankfortyoga.com
January 7, 2009 2-4 PM
Morocco Studios, part of her Winter Weeklong.
2008 Events:
April 11-13 2008
Frankfort Yoga Studio Frankfort, KY Yoga Teacher Training with Delsarte
April 14, 2008 6:30-8:30
Ruric-Amari Dance Studio Louisville,KY
Delsarte for Dancers
View the brochure
April 18-20, 2008
Cincinnati Yoga School Yoga Teacher Training with Delsarte
April 20, 2008 10am-1pm
Xavier University, Gallagher Student Center, Rm 330
Delsarte for the Modern Theater flier for "No Melodrama Please!"
View the University Calendar announcement.
And the Cincinnati Arts Community announcement
Saturday, May 24
Master class, Portland Maine SOLD OUT
Saturday, May 24
Master class, Portland Maine SOLD OUT
Thursday, June 5, 2008 7-9pm
Public master class, Cincinnati Yoga School
View the Brochure
Friday, June 6, 2008 7-9pm
Public master class, Frankfort Yoga Studio, Frankfort Kentucky
Sunday, June 8, 2008 1:30-4:30
Louisville Kentucky, Ruric Amari Dance Studio
The Body Language of Beauty, Power and Presence and Delsarte's Zones of Expression
July 28-Aug 15 2008
Dalcroze Institute at Juilliard
See sub-page below for brochure
September 17 2008
Master classes at Adelphi University, Long Island, New York
Part of the Ruth St. Denis Retrospective
See "Music and Dance Gala Events Slated for October 2008"
In the background over my right shoulder is Ruth St Denis' studio.
September 20-21, 2008
Boston area Contact Dorothea O'Regan 781-720-9216
Delsarte for Middle Eastern Dancers
November 1, 2008 Manhattan 1-3pm
Public class at Practice Yoga, 240 W 14th st
Between 7th and 8th avenues, the class is accessible by subways A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, or L.
$20 for the class. See the welcome page for more information.
November 7-9 2008
Cincinnati Yoga School teachers training Delsarte weekend. This time there are classes open to the public. Anyone can register by contacting the Cincinnati Yoga School 513-247-YOGA(9642)
Patrick-laughter yoga, and me, with school owner and teacher Will Brashear
November 14-16, 2008
Tribal Dreams Festival Lincoln, NE
Delsarte for the Middle Eastern dancer
December 6, 2008
Vermont area: Contact Alia Thabit
December 7, 2008
Boston Baby Dolls
Sorry, sold out